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Part 3

Aesthetic refinements!

On day 2 we started with this. It still has a lot of the remains of my prototype so its time to shake off some of that. 

first off I wanted to have a nice dithered gradient as the background. I intend to have some parallaxed elements but for now lets focus on some color and pizzazz. 

Im a very big fan of sunsets and often design my palette around being able to make a good sunset gradient. I do this for all of my art actually. 

with this is mind i used the  gradient maker to create this.

this really starts to get into what i enjoyed about Air Deliveries color scheme.
then i had to integrate it into my game.
im still struggling to get it to work as intended. I still haven't quite wrapped my head around how to alter the pal for just a single draw, then set it back, without issue. im sure ill  figure it out and it will make some other really nice gradients nice. but for now were going to work with this and try to change the ratios of each color to make it seem like different times of day. 
but that comes late, so for now we just try to get it in there and we get this. 

real funky. had to rearrange the main palette since i couldn't get the isolation to work so i made the whole palette in the order i needed for the BG. it works, its hacky and ill fix it later, maybe. 

I also decided the player and key items require an outline, so i added an outline to the player and refined the animations in the sprite, adding more bounce and wiggle to the plant. i really think it brings it to life. 

I had to start replacing all the old tiles with new ones, or at least recolor things to suit the new look and game. out with the Japanese themes and in with...idk everything bagel roofs.

it needs work but its there. 

I added in the little mailboxes as for now that's the easiest "delivery" evoking item i can think of. So for now we are going to try to drop off deliveries at the mailboxes  in front of each persons home. I think i will only be giving the player the recipients name and they have to remember where that is. so its important to engage with people if you want them to stick in your mind as unique people with a space they can be found in. 

i've begun adding some cute little items like an arcade machine and flowers. 

But the last bit for the day was to fiddle around and rig up the sky to shift between different states. 

i have the basics of it worked out, it'll just require some designing and a few lerps to get the slow transition from day to night and back.

Thats where I am for now.  Not a amount of progress. but I did make huge To DO list to work through, wish me luck


Part 3