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(1 edit)

So I had to catch my breath at the end hahaha. We revamped all the landmark art, got the files ready for print and play and I uploaded it like 5 different times as I edited files to polish them.  oh my goodness. This was a whirlwind, but it was fun!!!!!!!!!!!!  I was even able to get a rough copy of the character selection in at the last 10 min. No time to draw the characters, but I assigned them weapons for images off of canva clipart.  Good enough. ^^

For the Character cards this one cracks me up.  I didn't know what weapon to assign this one, but he defended a field of Lentils so I gave him a sword and some grain. LOL. ^_^ Wish I could have done better on these but at least I got them in there!

Thank you to my fellow competitors, it was fun reading what you all wrote and getting your feedback/ encouragement on mine.  I wish you all the best in this Jam.