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(1 edit)

Pros and cons

I'll start with pros:

So  today was exciting, I have a rough working copy of the game that I play tested.  The game works well, and I had enough cards to get through a 2 player game without shuffling.  


I flushed out the bios and the Character abilities


15 - 30 years old  born 1040 BC

 David was a shepherd boy, the youngest of eight boys in his home. At 15 years old David killed Goliath. He ran from King Saul for 15 years before taking the throne.

Special ability: Strengthen yourself in the Lord 1 Samuel 30: 6 - You can reroll once per turn. 


He was chief of the “Three Mighty Warriors” under King David. He carried a spear and killed 800 men in one encounter. He went with the two other members of the Mighty Three and fought a garrison of Philistines to bring David a drink from the well. He had a division of 24,000 men. 2 Samuel 23:8, 14 -17,  1 Chronicles 27: 2

Special ability: 3 times in the game you can delegate another player to take the negative for you (ie lose a turn, move back, lose cards etc) 


He was a member of the “Three Mighty Warriors” under King David. He fought the Philistines so long after the troops retreated that his hand had clamped onto his sword. The rest of the army only returned to strip the dead. He went with the two other members of the Mighty Three and fought a garrison of Philistines to bring David a drink from the well.  2 Samuel 23: 9 - 10, 14 - 17

Special ability: You may take one less move to draw one extra card per turn

(ie if a 4 is rolled,  you may move 3 and take an extra card instead of the last move)


He was a member of the “Three Mighty Warriors” under King David. He stood and defended a field of lentils after the troops fled against the Philistines. He went with the two other members of the Mighty Three and fought a garrison of Philistines to bring David a drink from the well. 2 Samuel 23:11-12, 14-17

Special ability: If a player tries to move past your spot they must play rock paper scissors with you. If you win they stop behind you, if they win then they may pass. 

Prince Jonathan

Born 1067 BC age 42 -57. He is the  son of King Saul and the Prince of Israel. He is David’s best friend. Jonathan made a covenant of friendship three times with David. He also sounded out his father and found that he indeed was trying to kill David. Jpnathan then helped David escape. Jonathan died at age 57 on the battlefield.

Special ability: Once per turn you may look at the top 3 cards in the draw pile and rearrange them before returning them back to the top of the deck.  


He was captain of David’s bodyguard.  His weapon was a club.He killed two Moabite heroes, an Egyptian giant and a lion. Benaiah also helped Solomon secure the throne after David died. 2 Samuel 23: 20- 23 

Special ability: When you reach a landmark, you can stop others from passing that landmark as long as you are on the landmark spot.


I had to cut the card count down from 65 to 64 due to the format of the card pages.

scratch that- after a play through I need to add another 8 cards for fights as I was swimming in faith but few fights to use them in

My artist double checked that any clipart she used was copyright free and found out that its green lit for concept art but not final products! So we divided the icons up and it will be getting an over hall  before tomorrow. Below are the 3 pictures my artist asked if I could do of the 11, I split 1 in 2 so I could focus on my subjects and they will be added together later.

Abigail with the donkey for Carmel

David's Sling

Goliath for Ellah

David's field for sheep where he killed the lion and bear for Bethleham

Due to this I may need to  cut the character cards with special abilities