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(1 edit)

usually for hands I never map it out. I more think of it as shapes like a ball-jointed doll of sorts.

Your palm(I use this to refer to the main part of your hand). It isn't the same width all throughout. It starts at the width of the wrist and gets wider as it goes to your fingers. The fingers are cylinders rather than lines like you would use when mapping it out. If you use lines it can confuse you.

The middle finger is the same length as the palm. I usually start with the pinkie and index finger. The ring finger is usually similar to the index finger.

The thumb starts at the base of the palm. It sticks out.

Art is different for everyone tbh

I use maps to at least help me find the shape/pose of what I'm trying to do, to see what I'm doing and if I like it before I get to into my sketch

I'll take what you have into note, though!

well the shapes are just shapes. A base before the lines. Helps to have a more 3d looking base in my opinion.

But that's just what works for me.

Sometimes, to help, I section my own hands in pen and use it as a reference.


I might have to try that!