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(2 edits) (+1)

Also, some suggestions:

(Warning, this could get long)

.1 This one seems a little overboard with realism, so I'm not going into to much detail: maybe, lets say, your patrol comes across abandoned kit(s). You would need at least one nursing queen to nurse them, only if they are newborns. You would be forced not to proceed if not.

.2 It'd be nice to add some sound effects, music, or both. As a person who hates silence, it would be greatly appreciated. You could then have a setting to turn the effects and music on/off, as some people don't like playing with music on of course.

.3 I think it would be awesome to be able to get more involved with the cats outside of clans and/or cats in other clans. It would be nice to have some half-clan kits. Sure, you can have unmated cats to have kits, but that happens alot. This could be something that happens rarely to make it more fun and surprising when it does happen.

4. To make a specific cat's story more in-depth, there should be a setting where you can turn 'prophecies' on/off. If it is switched on, very rarely a random cat will become part of a prophecy of some kind. The prophecies could also consist of more than one cat as well. And, if you are playing in classic mode, you can pick the cat you want to be part of a prophecy.

5. It would be nice to be able to equip/unequip a cat's accessory, as I (and I'm sure alot of other people) don't like the look of some accessories, and as far as I know you can't get rid of them.

(1 edit) (+1)

1. Hm. It's an interesting idea, but I doubt it would be added; it'd be very harsh for early game when nobody is having kits yet

2. some background framework for sounds is added and sound will most likely be coming

3. this is also planned 

4. kinda goes against the "random generator" feeling? where the game might pick a main character or five for you. might be a good mod idea though

5. there was a "remove accessory" button in an earlier version, and it'll most likely be coming back. 

Thank you for the info! I'm glad sounds with be added as well.