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Hi i've been having issue running the game apk. when i open the application the game starts up but it ten closes on its own soon after. I've tried deleting any earlier versions of the game that i had and it still hasn't fixed my problem. Can you maybe help me???

I think the problem may be with your device. I myself test release versions on PC and Android - everything works stably.

oh ok. do you have any suggestion for what i can maybe do to fix my problem

You may be running out of memory on your device. Free it up so that a few gigabytes are available. This applies to both the memory on the phone itself and the RAM.

would this also apply to laptops? because I got the game on an acer Chromebook. The weird thing is the DLC games work but whenever i try playing the main game it just doesn't stay open. Would me being on a laptop change anything? also i have plenty of storage on the laptop so idk if that would be the problem in this case.