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I plan to make pretty much everything in the game besides female muscle optional, a lot of people wanted futa so it was hard for me not to add it. As well as femboys go there's isn't much content about that, it's just that the men are mostly cute and feminine, but the game doesn't focus that much on it.


My bad, just my thoughts on it. I noticed futa was said to be optional which is why i don't have as much of an issue with it. The femboy or feminine cute boy thing just gets me because it i see it far too much in art and such where a fit or buff woman seemingly has to be put with either femboys or shotas for some odd reason like there is a need to have the boy be cute to balance the female not being the typical dainty flower. Glad it won't focus on it too much in any case. I was just sharing my thoughts anyway because there is nowhere near enough buff women in anything (especially games) and just glad to see some being made.