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I assume we did a good job then? haha


You did, I couldn't win (or lose) but I did get deeply involved into the game. So yeah, you did!

So if you want some feedback, I could say: well it's not very clear what the purpose of this game is, or what the goal of the player is. I understand you want to generate consciousness about mental health but I can't still work out what to do rather than walk around. Maybe maybe, a quick hint (in a way Heavy Rain game does?) could help a little to progress with the story and the game. Just an idea. And music, sfx: since it is relying on the breathe sounds, more variety might help, and an variable implementation through blend tracks.

Graphics are nice, and optimized in their performance (until the anxiety ball , which consumes a lot of the GPU --that I don't have hehe). But in general, textures felt nice, and with a few assets you managed to create a big room and a maze.

Well that's all I can think of for now, I do celebrate you managed to finish it by the deadline and also, congratulate on the high quality of it. There are not a lot of games like this one, which has an original approach to the mental health topic.