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(1 edit)

Enjoyment: I enjoyed the game overall, but I had a few minor issues. The first time I played, I didn’t realize that the game menu was behind me, so I thought the game didn’t load properly (ha! And that was 5 seconds delay).

Concept: The concept of the game where you have to deliver packages on a hoverbike over a facility on asteroid was an exciting experience. The lasers as a deathtrap were a good idea because it added a sense of danger to the game.

Presentation: The presentation of the game is good. The color palette is red and white is always interesting to me. However, I had a few issues with the UI. The instructions on how to deliver the packages were not clear or not there? I had to randomly ram into the floating 3D icon and the buildings to figure it out.

Use of Theme: The game uses the theme of Special Delivery but the delivery could have been made special. All the packages were same. SUGGESTION: the packages could be the sole way to fund the Player’s collage or something emotional?

Overall, I enjoyed the game. It was a fun and unique experience. However, I had a few minor issues with the UI. I would recommend this game to anyone who enjoys hoverbikes, danger, or a challenge.

Technical Notes: • The game menu could be brough to the front.

• The instructions on how to deliver the packages could be clearer.

• The hoverbikes could be made more maneuverable.

Thank you for the review shashKing. Your suggestions are dead on. This is my first VR project and onboarding/accessibility is something I need more practice with. My next project will be more intuitive now that I have more experience. Out of curiosity,  did you feel you were positioned on the hover-bike correctly? I added an update that auto-positions the player and I'm curious if it was effective.

Thank you again for the feedback.

I downloaded the latest one. The placement seemed correct to me.