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We should have Maddy in by next week, any downloading issues are on itch's end. I have been working about 60 hours just this week on the project, basically meetings every day to get this work done. 

Itch currently is the only platform you can buy on, not a lot of places allow lewd titles. 

We have a firm timeline of events that we have to stick to, the only things that are a bit flexible with design have been the human characters. Granted while I cannot show her (yet). Arin recently received a redesign, as did our detective (the MC).

Sounds good, I hope you are doing well JJ.

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(1 edit) (+2)

Right, according to the game, I think Ari was the poll winner model made by MonsterBox and Kekitopu, just on the moment before they'd started to remodel the 6 old ones from november of last year (Sammy) to march of this year (Maddie) but...

Why does she need a redesign and are there any new changes on her?

The original models were very hard to make sex scenes with. Or animate in general. 

is there any probability will be there a new 8th monster girl?

There is a 8th monster girl already in development, Saya.
She is not based off of Utsuho Reiuji at all. I have a very cool artist collaborating with us for her. 

I'm thinking a possible evidence for my theory about that but somebody explained me to do not make some mistakes when someone makes perfect clues, theories or evidences for the lore.

Whats your take on ARIN?

How did the story of Diamond Straits and the lore of the game begin?

A completely normal scientist got angry. as a nonspoiler TLDR

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