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I have fixed the grenade thing. Thanks for the tip.

Was it the very first space? And was there a door that would not open, or no door at all?

Was the game laggy? The architect becomes suspended if there are no leftover milliseconds for it to work. It's supposed to work during spare time to generate the next rooms while you're playing, so that is something that can go wrong. If so, there will be a door but it just won't open.

Also, sometimes the entrance door and exit door are placed side-by-side, which can make you think there's no way out but actually it's just in a cognitive blind spot, which has happened to me a few times and I thought I was trapped.

I will have the game print the random seed to the console in the next update, so if a dead-end happens again there's a chance it could be shared with me and I could reproduce it. Otherwise it's impossible to nab.

i have gone through an area before, i think there was a little lag sometime before it, but nothing notable. here are the pictures:

full size



floor plan

Pictures and a hand-drawn diagram? That's some dedicated feedback. Thanks!

If there's any chance you've still got this browser instance open... go into the console and type in "rh.r" (without the quotes) and hit enter. Assuming you were playing v0.016 that should provide the seed that was used.

sry started a new run a few hours ago

Ok. I will proceed to debug a door that won't open. Thanks.