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(2 edits) (+3)

Ah thank you Itch for highlighting this game on my page ! After having nearly finished the artbook, I am still nostalgic of this excellent experience the game offered to me !

The art style feats perfectly with the game's themes, it is orignal and I found it especially cute ! I also like the effort of designing all the characters in the game, because can we talk about the characters ???
I found them so endearing ! Both main and side characters are very well written, (but Robin will stay my favorite :> !), even if I would have liked some to be more implied in the final action part of the story. I also find the antagonists well designed in their nature, acts and story.

A story that I also liked, I find it simple but it works well with the context and the characters, it made me more interested in the old west universe ! Good dialogues that characterises well the characters, good descriptions parts immersing the player. Although I found some story telling parts in the town a bit too long, it is balanced by the mini gameplay phase but found myself a bit eager of some action in this phase.
Also the romance is perfect imo !! Well brought and cute as hell.

Something that I also really love is that imo the queer characters gives a good vision of both the struggle queer people can face, while being well used into the romance and both the protagonists and antagonists.

To mention the musics, they are insane ! The only thing that disturbed me was in the climax, some music choices made me take some scenes less seriously, or is it by purpose ? In that case, it can be a good thing I think depending on the experience wanted at this moment of the game.

The big thing that made me a bit disapointed is I think the lack of choices the player could have made to influence the story, there are some moments where I thought that a choice could be insanely good to add, giving some interaction with the player and the characters, but at the same time.. is it really tarnishing the experience ? Not really, proof is that I didn't even realised I made not that much choices while playing, and I found the only ones at the end well designed and intuitives, so in the end, it's better not a lot but good choices than a game with plenty of avoidable choices not affecting the story.

That's it, I know my comment is L O N G but I really wanted to give my full experience playing this awesome game ! I'm still learning Game Design and love to train giving feedbacks about a game I loved ! Thank you to the whole team who made the game for that really good time I got ! I bought the Gold edition and seing the steps of developpement of the game is very fun and interesting to see ! So thanks again to the team and I'm looking forward to see what will come up next ^^