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Good afternoon Zem , i really like the latest version A.I.D.A.  I have some questions/suggestions.

1.There will be more futa content in the future.

2.When do you plan to finish the bandittown map.

3.When / will the map be filled - mean city, post , old church and cumbennis? Namely more quests and dialogues.

4.I noticed that people have already suggested skins before, are you still planning to add new ones? As well as other customization such as changing the size of parts and colors.

5.Will there be romances and personal quests for partners?

6.Do you plan to do more profession quests as location content?

For example, in Paksu we have a mini-quest in a bar / diner , or like in A.I.D.A. work in a sex club.

But only as earnings and a permanent quest. Something like a mini-game or work for A.I.D.A. To be honest, I would look at A.I.D.A. dressed as a waitress? But it's more like a suggestion/

7.Do you plan to continue the quest with the portal?

8.Do you plan to add new locations?

9.Will there be new outfits for AIDA and FOR COMPANIONS?

10.Will Aida be able to take sides (the main villains as a bad ending or lead raiders) and get different bonuses for this (costumes and unusual modifications and skins)?

11. Will BDSM content be added. For example, with the same raiders, well, or slave traders.

P.s I apologize in advance for mistakes, English is not my native language. And have a nice day.


1. Sure.

2. Someday? No plans currently.

3. Mean City will get content in the next update, as for the rest I dunno yet.

4. Adding skinns is a lot of work  so am not adding anything new yet. Someday yes.

5. Yes.

6. Maybe?

7. Do you mean prison portal that goes to Mars? No, you can escape the planet if you wish, that's it.

8. Of course.

9. Yes.

10. probably yes, still working on it.

11. probbaly not.


thank you so much for being considerate Zem, I love the futanari genre so happy to hear there will be new content♡♡♡