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(1 edit)

My favorite broughlike (cinco paus) is intentionally in a non english language, so the confusion and discovery is part of the experience!  You start with no knowledge, move in random directions, see what changes and when, and slowly put together the ruleset.

A few hints: the four branches are your starting weapons and shields.  Basic broughlike combat is that you attack the box next to you in the direction you move. (the starting branches work like that...) But in this game, it matters what side the enemies attack you from. If your bird takes any unshielded damage it's game over.

Be patient! Broughlikes are tough, but pretty fair. If you look closely at the shapes, and what changes after each move, you can piece it together. All that said, I probably don't know all of the rules! I definitely don't know what strategies the high scorers know! (my top is like 40)