Some days I don't get a lot done and on others I make a ton of progress with the same development time. I like to think I'm learning the skills and building the framework code on the slow days to allow for implementing and expanding features quickly on the fast ones.
Added a basic level generation system which places enemies, health pickups, and the exit. This system doesn't support bosses yet, but I'll re-add them before the release. Took a lot of work, and not all of it was planned or obvious. This has been my largest game so far, and managing the code has been a challenge as I've been learning C# while developing the game, so it's a mess of functions and experiments with more advanced features of the language.
The end result: this level here is 100% generated by the game! No need to read files anymore to get the level layout, setting a few values for difficulty/size will automatically create the necessary data to start it.

I've also installed GIMP and I'm learning it to make new cover/page art in time for release.