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First rate devlog as always!

I'm particularly intrigued by your dialogue system as I've created similar systems like that in some of my own projects. The branching paths has a nice and practical flow to it, but -- especially seeing how small the game is going to look on the Playdate -- I would suggest simplifying the dialogue:

Instead of:

"This is a Liberty class freighter. Range is 1500 meters. On a course of 90 degrees. Ship is moving at 9 knots."

I would simplify it to:

"Liberty class freighter. Range . . . 1500 meters. Course . . . 90 degrees. She's moving at 9 knots."

But because that then looks almost a bit too plain, you could make it both practical and interesting by adding a Reaction branch before your Class Branch. Examples:

"First target on our tour! Liberty class freighter. Range . . . 1500 meters. Course . . . 90 degrees. She's moving at 9 knots."

"Yet another one . . . . Liberty class freighter. Range . . . 1500 meters. Course . . . 90 degrees. She's moving at 9 knots."

"Apparently unprotected . . . . Liberty class freighter. Range . . . 1500 meters. Course . . . 90 degrees. She's moving at 9 knots."

Of course, to have authentic reactions like that, you'd have to check to see if certain conditions are met. 

IF FirstTargetOnTour = TRUE THEN

    Reaction$ = "First target on tour!"


 Reaction$ = "" (none or something else)


(1 edit)

Thank you for the support as always. I really like your condensed version. It flows better.  I still want to make sure that there’s minimal variation, but there’s a sweet spot somewhere. This will continue to evolve. I already have some conditions as I’ve shown in my exemples, but it’s a little more complicated than that because several condition can be true at the same time, so they need to be weighted.