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Fantastic game! I love the stories of the characters (and the fact that you can learn maths, chemistry and physics in a magic school XD) so much. However I do have some questions about Luca:


In the midnight garden event (when the BG turns red and he kills you), Luca? has a questionmark after his name. In Luca's route his diary involves talking about a 'he':

7:42PM, he always puts sugar in my coffee when he thinks I'm not looking. His actions are futile, but I cannot bring myself to admonish him.

I wonder if these features show that Luca has another (soul? personality? devil? ) inside him. In his route he acts (mainly) normal and showed no sign that he would kill anyone, but the endings also talked about him murdering a professor. PLZ I really want to know if he actually has multiple personalities or if I misread or misunderstood sth!