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You cannot currently get past day 50; however when you reach it, you should be given the option to travel back a week, with all your progress intact. You can do this as many times as you wish, effectively playing for as long as you want.

Are you not getting that option at day 50?

oh yeah but when so we can pass the day50 in which updateeee???

The max day will be extended to 80 in v0.60, so not the next update but the one after that :)

what will the new in the after  update so

Sorry, I don't understand what you're asking?

Probably just asking what'll be in the next update (or in v0.60)


If that's the case:

v0.59 will be a smaller update than usual. It will add an outfit for each character that you can buy in the store, and then take pics of them wearing. It will hopefully also contain a side event scene, probably the second morning telly with Ashley and Hannah.

The reason it will be a smaller update is because I'm simultaneously working on v0.60. I'm not ready to announce all my plans for that yet, but the main thing will be the max day extension, and the day 60 exam and house party!


yay so exciting!! what an amazing and cute game! <3

Thank you so much! <3