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Hi Smevil, thank you so much for your valuable feedback!

We greatly appreciate your input as it plays a crucial role in shaping the development of our game.

Regarding the UI issues, we have already addressed and resolved them in the latest build. Thank you for bringing them to our attention.

As for the tutorial, we have carefully laid out a comprehensive plan for its implementation in upcoming releases, and we are currently finalizing how it will be presented to ensure a smooth gaming experience.

In regards to adventurers leaving due to reputation drops and the money gain, I am actively working on fine-tuning the formula to strike the right balance between challenge and strategy. If esteemed players like yourself find it overly challenging, I am more than willing to adjust it accordingly so that all players can fully enjoy and unlock all the events in the game.

Once again, thank you for your support of Hentai RPG Village!

No problem it is nice to see a developer active like this. I look forward to what you do with the game as this is my genre of gameplay. I do a lot of private beta playing for indy devs and if you like i may have a few ideas for you.

I'm all ears. While I already have several plans in place, I'm always eager to hear more, especially if it comes directly from our players. Your input is invaluable to us, so please don't hesitate to share any additional ideas or suggestions you may have. Your feedback is what helps shape the future of our game.

do you have a direct contact or a discord?

Hi Smevil,

You can either contact us via email or facebook. Please refer below.


facebook: H Verse Games