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Fun update so far and cool new things to try out, but...
Nasty bug froze my game. I unlocked spending time with Agrias. Going to the movies worked fine, but the second time, we went to coffee, and the game just froze in the cafe. No dialogue came up, they just idled at the table forever. Which is what I would do too but I was so close to unlocking something, and I didn't save beforehand.

Also: On the day when Elise learns that you've been selected to sing for the Empress, if you go to the Nurse to do that event to gain Altruism for Agrias, the game just replays the Elise cutscene and no time passes. Not as destructive a glitch but you should know anyway.

Thanks for reporting those bugs. It's hard to find them  on my own, so I really appreciate it.

I think I fixed all those glitch in the version 0.2.1 of the game.