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Oh, nice game!

Reminds me a little of an old train game for iPhone. What would have been a nice feature I think is if the player got to decide that it is go-time, and see if the path was complete or not. One thing, I had to clock how long it took for the water animation to finish, and it took more than 10s :D I think it could have been faster!

There was a little nasty clip in the fireworks audio I think, made me want to jump on to the next level ASAP! :)

It would have been very cool with some incremental difficulty, like some blocks that can't be rotated or T-junctions or something, added after a while. But after all, it was still very impressive for a jam. I like the art style a lot. 

Great job with this one!


Thank you! I am glad you enjoyed it. Sorry about the firework audio bug! HTML builds are notorious for audio issues. I made the water run faster for the 7x7 levels. I probably should have made it go faster in general; 10 seconds is too long.

I have some ideas for ways to increase the difficulty and making levels more interesting. I wanted to keep the scope small for this jam to not get burnt out though.