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I love it!

  • Controls were great and the game was easy to pick up
  • I feel like the game needs more threat 
  • I had a hard time finding the pins and fuel, maybe if there was a limited supply and it was round based. Like you have to collect 3 stamps to get to level 2, 10 to get to level 3 or something
  • Great job on the movement around the 3d globe
  • Was this game multiplayer, like if someone else played it you could fly around together? How did you like Coherence? Unity's NetCode has become my goto these days. Anyways impressive to add multiplayer to a jam game.
  • I really liked picking up the stamps and seeing their pictures.

Wow! Thank you so much for Your review!
Yes, the game has multiplayer, but only for syncing planes movement. But the stamps and fuel are unique for each user, because it would make game harder to balance from a score perspective (solo players would gain much more points). Coherence worked great for us, because of its worlds system (just drag a prefab of ui and create world in dashboard), and really simple aproach for the basic multiplayer stuff, so its pretty convenient for small projects, but its still in alpha, so be carefull)