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If you lose with the good luck charm the first time (mine was specifically in the second Entertainment section after obtaining the alley key to the three stack with one hyena trainer), and after the first scene with the Doberman completes and Mahir takes your charm away, you can't progress as when you try to return it gives you the Mezz hypno loop where he's meant to go back to the video store but since there's not scene as it's your first loss it's walled off and you can't progress. 

Hm, will take a look at this, thanks. That's odd, as that should have been working a long time ago, but I'll double-check with that exact combo.

After checking, I'm not able to reproduce the error. I just lost to the second mob in Ent Dist I, but that shouldn't effect anything. Any chance you have a save that can reproduce it that you can toss up on Mega or something similar? You did remember to talk to the counter clerk at the store first right?


Oh that's my bad, I didnt talk to the store clerk. On my other run through I went to the video store instead of beating Mahir the first time so my first loss to regular mobs didn't result in having to go back. Sorry for wasting your time lol. 

No worries, I've had similar brain glitches sometimes when testing. We all have "moments" once in a while.