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How can I get the 1.500 Coins for Marie's XXXmas shop?
My current record is 760 Coins including the shooting range.

    you can do it with program called "Cheat engien". You choosing window with game, and you type your current number of your coins and start scan. After that you buy in Marie's shop and type next current number of coins and click next scan. NOT NEW. Whne you see what was number before and current - its coins, Then doubleclick on it < it gonna be on down. Then change  number at number of coins you want.

    Been trying for a while and haven't gotten this to work.

    It worked for me only step he doesn't mention that you might need is to go out of the shop and back in after changing your coin number

    double click on what

    (7 edits)

    you can  get 145x 5 gold   pouches, 1x 50 gold on the ground, 20x 50 gold in trees, 2 more in a tree and cable worth 5 gold each, which amounts to a total of 1785 gold that you could obtain.

    However since not all gold pouches spawn every single time, it is not possible to get 1500 at the end, since you may only miss 53 gold pouches in total worth 5 gold.

    Also during the battle after the first Marie shop the gold pouches u obtain during that battle don't work, which leaves u missing about 120 potential gold total (2x 50 gold from the trees and 4x 5 gold ones from the ground). Which makes it so u can only miss 29 gold pouches total.

    I however found a glitch that if 2 gold pouches are close enough to one another and you grab one, then jitterclick to get the second one, u can duplicate the gold pouch about 3x total. Yes, the 50 gold pouches can also be duplicated using this method. Do note, it does not work if you try to pick up ammo and then jitterclick a gold pouch.

    I ended up with this method getting 1920 gold at the second Marie shop. (the trees before the Marie shop have 10x 50 gold pouches, close enough to each other so if you jitterclick them, u can get 900 gold total instead of 500).