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Nope, that's intentional. That's what the sprites look like. Sprite sheets take a LOT of time, and if I had fully detailed each of those from scratch it would have taken ages. So the important characters get detailed sprites, and the more general NPCs are just silhouettes.

thank you didn't know so thought I would check


Also is there anyway via stats to know i have put my save from cs1 into this correctly as ifinished cs1 on level 13 but when i start cs2 and replace the file it is level 11 and carrying a slut win over there is no hornyess even when i was in full slut mode

Mmhmm. Once you arrive back in Haven from the boar island, pull up your menu and check status, subject stats. Unless you had a REALLY pure run on CS1, you should see some numbers other than 0 there: those come from DataCrystal. If it's all zeros (again, unless you really did come from a 100% pure run of CS1), you did something wrong. 

Also, remember, DataCrystal is not a "real" save. It's just carrying over a few story stats. Your level is always dictated to start at 11 in GT, because that's what I tended to be at by the end of my CS1 playthroughs. Level isn't carried over, nor is horniness, or slut mode. The idea is that it's a "fresh" start, with potentially some things lingering beneath.