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I was running through the back alleys to get to the Hyena boss, and I attracted the attention of a Hyena RIGHT before running infront of the pink sillouette of one of the....  entertainers, asking for the anklet.  After the dialog, the Hyena was right next to me, but the entire game was frozen, didn't kick off the fight, or let me move, click, or even pull up a menu.  If it helps, I was going full Slut mode, so had to avoid them at this point, reloaded to after the third tape, but before the bad end.  I can try to recreate it to verify it wasn't a one-time bug.

Yup, that one has been reported. Will be taking a look at it when I start reviewing the more complex stuff tomorrow (well, "today", but you know, after I slumber.) Appreciate the report though!