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As it sounds like you worked out, that error means it's not finding the soundfile. A lot of times this happens due to a mangled name. Zip extraction likes to mangle non-native character sets, so if you're on a non-english system it might be screwing up the title. Other than that, not sure though. I'd try extracting on a different drive: weird shit happens with stuff on system drives sometimes. 

The new NW thing can be safely ignored. It's just saying that because you have a newer version of that framework installed on your system (says the same for me). Should still run fine (Though it's obnoxious and I should probably look into silencing it somehow if possible.

Let me know if you have any luck though, and I'll keep an eye out in case this is more wide-spread. So far in beta testing this didn't come up at all, so it seems like a somewhat niche issue.


when you mentioned weird stuff happening on system drives that reminded me of when I was trying to mod a steam game with a really shit file system so I tried to move the game out of the file I burry my horny games and up my general filesystem and that worked. probobly has something to do with RPGM not liking going deep for files in a computer system

Almost certainly. After a long history running these kinds of games(RPGMaker), I've learned the hard way they HATE deep directory structures.