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I do!

MX-15 Debian Jessie 32 bit.

Ancient computer? Like way more than 10 years old? If not, why are you on 32 bit?


I see no point why I should use 64 bit software. Because the masters want it that way? Why shouldn't a game like MINDUSTRIE work on a 25 year old computer?


32bit software cant do nearly as much as 64bit. i wont go super into detail as i do not wish to explain how computers work but you are very limited with what can be done when only using 32bit such as limited ram and the file system. please don't expect games to work on something we should stop using because it is outdated and i don't mean that in a fuck you kinda way i mean that in a its actually outdated and no one needs to support it. plus you should remember that anuke 

1. has a life
2. it is their game, not yours. you do not chose what anuke does with their game.

i myself am a game dev and understand that having support for everything including dying platforms is hard.

thank you.


Has any person of at least average intelligence ever asked you for your opinion? I think that you have absolutely nothing in your head!