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(3 edits)

maybe not this, advertising the fake version as being "up to date" will only cause confusion, and people will think that the game is no longer being worked on. 

instead i propose a similar solution of leaking a copy of the demo, advertising it as the full game and then an hour or so into the content revealing that this is only a demo for sleezy pirates. this being advertised as the full game will cause piracy sites to upload this fake demo and forget the game exists warranting no further piracy until the next version comes out, which will just be another fake demo, this will keep piracy down significantly by flooding the piracy sites with demos and people will find that the only reliable way to get the full game is to buy it legally

you could also do some sign in thing using discord/ etc. integration. though im not very experienced in game development so


this is a smarter idea this could prob work too especially on sites like fapnation and f95zone or wtv