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autistic mofo


you fr

stop making blind kids cry and then come back and talk to me

sure! hey you, cry abt it that u don’t have eyes!

bro can shittalk a surprisingly lot despite being that bad 

gee sorry didn’t know ur allergic to noobs, well sorry might as well die since ur one 

Well true they shittalk me but Idgaf, roast me for all i care but thier at the loosing and I didn’t rage quit I was just tired.. tired of being noob? Sometimes ya.. well I agree I’m a noob but I don’t really care there are really many noobs imagine killing one noob and saying wow no way I killed a noob. And sir let’s stop fighting I don’t see what’s the point but anyways sorry for whatever I said now even I dunno what I did wrong but sure ig that I’m sorry so let’s stop fighting anymore .( And Yes im crazy to write this  💀)

bro you started it i dont even know who you are

same sooo….. no more fight?


Sure idrgaf 

k :D