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(1 edit) (+3)

I'm midway in the Genni questline, and can't continue. I believe this is a bug after reading the guide. After catching the snitch and inviting Genni officially, she request I only invite her unofficially. Once I do that, we just sit with us trying help her practice focusing, thereafter hinting me get my hands on her diary. I have yet to have the prompt to impress her with releasing the snitch, which why I think it's keeping me from getting the key from Minerva. I've even tried to just be accompanied to Gryffindor hall , yet when I click the bear on the bed, it just leads to comments on how cute it is. Any help would be appreciated.

U need to go straight to grryfndors room alone by urself, on SATURDAY, WITHOUT Minerva, then u can have the book ; )

Although, when u do find the damned diary, u'll need a way to decipher it, ur answer will be in above comments ; )


Have you figured it out how to continue? I am stuck at the same point.

(2 edits)

after u get the diary, u need to talk to the old hag about charms, then u need to find professor Flitwick (he is in one of paintings ; ) ) and ask him about charms, then he tells u that u need to perform illegitimacy kinda stuff to the lill petite teen girl, then u'll be able to see through her thoughts while drinking beers together, the brighter thought shows the keyword to the obfussus charm applied on the diary, that's all I can tell u for now, try to use the walkthrough provided by the developers too.

BUT, the whole game is still full of bugs (0.3.1F) as I've seen till now, including the ginny side quest in chapter 4 and 5, for me, she just doesn't show up ANYMORE after I mail her UNOFFICIALLY   ; _ (  (no matter which day it is ; ( )