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(3 edits) (+3)

I don't know what it's like when nene sleeps, I think you need an extra inn so nene can sleep and dream about futa girls and nene can have sex with the innkeeper, when located somewhere in the village , after village is added later. :>

pictures make by Zheng

(1 edit) (+3)

maybe mofu will love it 👍


I know you like helping the community through the comments and all but please give a break on the suggestions my dude, the game is only at the "start" so please if trying to recommend something go by small stuff since the game is made only by Mofu (except translations)

Not trying to hate or anything, is just that i see a new recommendation to the game asked by you everyday and that's... A bit eh (i dunno how to put it in words)

Deleted 361 days ago
(1 edit) (+3)

Whatever you want to say with this Text.... Consider shifting your interest in the search for Bugs and stop spaming the comments with pictures.


okay :D


but i think mofu will take a long time to update this game🤔 so i can wait long time and i really love this game

(1 edit) (+5)

If you really love this game stop making suggestions that read like you try to force mofu to make stuff. The game needs time to get right and every little thing that is added will create some possible bug origins so pleas stop posting pictures here that are not even yours and dont provide any progressive input to the game.

(2 edits) (+1)

I think the same as you and i hope mofu is ok


So you stop spamming ?

I'm just giving mofu an idea, so don't be angry me okay?


You are npt givin any ideas. You are demanding full fleged features and caracteristics of caracters mofu hasn't even planned or implemented or drawn yet.

The two of us shouldn't argue, and we'll make up and I think now mofu is doing a lot of the things that I gave mofu ideas right ._.

characters @1tch1g0 you misspelled twice


Thank you for those great images and ideas!🤗

I'd love to draw Nene sleeping as well. And I'd like to add an inn to the village👍


this idea can be applied as a method of seeing past events with other characters


Yes, I agree that the feature to see the past events by sleeping would be interesting👍


That does sound like a good idea! Maybe as a way to rematch previously defeated boss fights and re-watch the whole events (before and after the fight) in a convenient manner, without having to backtrack and find them in the map.😮

Also, don't take it too hard elf knight. Everyone here is passionate about futa girls and Mofu-san does seem to enjoy taking suggestions and looking at reference pictures (especially good ones that aren't to problematic to implement). 

Maybe, rather than just giving a suggestion everyday, limit it to once every couple weeks or a month. Some questions/suggestions have already been asked and answered in the past, so it may not be necessary to give too many suggestions.

Also, using images is fine, as its a good source of reference to get an idea across, (some stuff might get lost in machine translation) plus Mofu and others do seem to enjoy them as well. Maybe limit it to 2/3 max, rather than going overboard and posting 8/9 images. This is because it might drown out more critical questions or other suggestions from people.

 Hope you don't take it too personal.😁


Thanks zxcvb11 for your consideration😇

I will be adding a feature in the future that will allow the player to replay past boss fights as many times as the player wish👍


Looking forward to it!👍

No problem!😁

Just want this community to be positive and see this game be as successful as possible! After all, we all just want to see and enjoy futa girls dicks. 🥰🤣

We are all with you and wish to support you in anyway Mofu! Ganbare!!💪


Thanks zxcvb11 for all your positive comments!🤝 I too love futa girls dicks and will continue to make these👍

(18 edits) (+1)

I've posted a lot of pictures and I'm so sorry for this community and Thank you zxcvb11👍

this game is developing really well and I'm so happy with it❤️

I don't know if I suggest more for mofu, if i suggest more for mofu better or not zxcvb11?🤔

and keep trying okay mofu! (zxcvb11 too)😀

(3 edits) (+2)

It's fine to give some suggestions, as Mofu-san does seem open to it (especially good ideas or when it's things like quality of life improvements to the game). Just don't go overboard and post a new suggestion everyday, as it's a bit overwhelming. Do it in moderation and think before posting, is this necessary. Same goes for pictures.

Game development can be a long and difficult process and Mofu is developing this game by himself, so being told by someone to add new things everyday can get exhausting. 

Also, at the end of the day, it's his game and all of us are just fans, so we shouldn't act entitled and demand everything that we want. We can give some suggestions or ideas but at the end of the day, it's up to Mofu-san whether he decides to implement those ideas or not.

Lastly, I'm not sure if it's because some subtlety gets lost in translation to English but the way you give some suggestions may come across as rude or demanding to some people. If you find it easier to comment using Vietnamese, just ask for things that way and we can use machine translation to understand what you're saying.

Hope that helps!😁


cảm ơn bạn zxcvb11 😀


tất cả đều tốt!😁

Wt- I'm just dying☠️