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I'm going to preface this by saying that I don't want to belittle your accomplishments. This is a competent game, and I recognize that it may have been your first game. If that's true, congratulations for finishing and releasing something! That's HUGE!!

That all being said, though, I'm going to lay down my critiques as they currently sit. Please don't let them discourage you from making more and better games. :)

The biggest problem is, this isn't an adventure game. It doesn't even have a narrative, it's just a game about shooting targets. You're probably going to get low scores because of this, I'm afraid. Adventure Jam is about adventure games, after all!

As for the game itself, there are a few issues I have overall.
- The targets' hit zone is pretty small. It's almost like you have to be dead-center to hit the thing, when I'd expect a hit anywhere on the target to count.
- The "sprint" button feels like it doesn't do anything, there's no "oomph" to the speed boost you get when you sprint. There are a few ways to fix that, but making the character faster would have been one.
- The second weapon feels pretty useless, especially when considering that the targets need such a precise hit. Also, I should note - the secondary gun stops firing if you switch back to your primary then back to your secondary. At least, it did for me. You may want to look into that.

Again, I don't want to discourage you - this is otherwise a functional game, it's just not really a fit for this jam. I'd advise you to keep honing your skills, get some more demos under your belt, and enter more jams! You've got this! :D