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Thank you so much for playing!

Yeah, the RNG is totally unrefined, with one minor exception (the Shadow Knight only has a chance to spawn if the player takes a Divine Ration, and gets pulled out of the spawn pool if the player gives the ration back). During my testing, I didn't encounter many runs that made me go "aw man, RNG screwed me" instead of "aw man, I should have saved that item" or "aw man, I should have chosen health instead of energy", so I didn't stress out too much about RNG manipulation.

And the tutorial, yeah that would have been a cool idea. But it, like most tutorials in jam games, was a last-minute thing I just wanted to toss together with little overhead. I'd love to add an interactive tutorial if I ever revisit this game, though. :)

I'm glad you enjoyed it! Your game was great, too! :)