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Some feedback: Tutorial is nice. Cursive font is accurate to the style but bit hard to read. In tuto you can drop through the upstairs floor from where the TV would be.  Also nice job knowing that, yes people will try to fall into the void in tuto. Can tuto be skipped? Took me a while to find how to open business, as there was no red button anymore and no info, or did I miss it? Could you be able to just place the cup in machine like other stuff? It feels challencing every time to fight against depth precision to find the right ankle so liquid actually pours into the cup and not next to it. Customers say order was wrong, I dont know why. I am not sure I understood all the symbols. Sugar cube are in a akward place. Some just want milk and I can appreciate that. Skeleton too wanted only milk and... did not take it. There was no bubble and line formed behind them. Bug? Could not finish the day. Being able to walk outside feels good. Still my favorite part of the game is just to make a mess with infinite stuff. GTM disc does not always turn the tv on, it does not click to the place? Do NOT remove jumping! Also this is an extreme nippick but TV only has 1 wire  when the game system has 2. TV is missing the power cord but in the wall there's an empty socket for it. And oh yeah you have some DoNotShip stuff in files.

(1 edit)

This is the most recent build prior to Steam integration. Some of the issues you have mention have been fixed or tweaked in the Steam Demo version available free, here:

Since we are publishing to Steam, we will no longer keep up-to-date as it requires us to remove Steam Integration for the version. We will on occasion do this to update the version here only when there are major updates.