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I am enjoying the game so far. Not all the content is for me but thats what's great about the 'open world'! My favorite feature so far is the animated character and I hope to see that continue to be expanded. Will we be able to select skin/fur colors as well as hair colors for our characters at some point? Might also be neat to add extra flags for bottom clothing that shows the character's package either by genitalia and/or balls size.

A suggestion with the expansion of current kinks/skills, it would be nice to see the milking tree have added perks that affect the penis and balls similar to how lactation is set up. Could probably copy most of what's already there and just slap in for male genitalia. It would go well with the skill tree as well as the cum economy.

Lastly, will there be an update that allows for character customization via drugs (or other)? It could be just a medical vending machine or if you want to add more flare it could be an NPC that sells contraband supplies which have gene altering effects. It could increase/decrease body part sizes, add/remove body parts like ears or tails, etc...  Keep up the good work!