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Hey Bob ๐Ÿ‘‹ the news about your mother's passing coupled with the passing of you're father a while ago is a quite heavy and a lot to take in, so please please please ๐Ÿ™ take some time away from everything to grieve and process what has happened. I would honestly suggest you putting LoS of hiatus, because any form of creative expression is a reflection of a person's desires, hopes, and dreams (it's kinda like a small picture of that person in that time and place) and I'm not sure if it healthy for you to continue for the time being. The only exception is if LoS is on outlet for you to express those troubles and work past them. Also I want to say thank you for reaching out and talking about your struggles and I'm sure there are plenty of people like me who are willing to lent a ear and a hand to help out .