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Okay. Possible spoilers, if you don't want to be spoiled stop reading...  So some of my thoughts on this game upon replaying the storyuntil current again. Up to the battle times. I enjoy the aspect of the fey and eldritch inclusions, especially turning those of the mythics to your side.  Very nice touches. The story does a great job of keeping this dread over your head throughout most of the current campaign. So chefs kiss. I don't have much negative feedback and the only negative feedback I have has to do with some h animations and its nothing big even. A couple of graphical glitches. It's not game breaking, it definitely doesn't turn me off of continuing to play it. The story? Excellent. The artwork and character models? Just damn. The lewd and h animations? Great as well. Keep up the awesome art work and I look forward to the return of the weekly updates.