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Enjoyable little game, but needs some more explanation overall to be less confusing. The ‘quick guide’ tutorial mentioned above (like the WASD pop-up that happens at the beginning, but for a few more actions), and building descriptions.

Also something to help with the anti-climactic end that hits most clicker games - maybe a reset system.. maybe the ability to get a new plot of ‘water’ to build out a new city, spell stuff with land pieces, etc. Perhaps even the ability to move between the different ‘worlds’ so I can build out a new place without needing to use a new browser/save.

Thank you!

A better tutorial for new players has been noted, and the descriptions should be implemented this week!

We have been thinking about a 'Rebirth' system like that, yeah! I think the idea of different worlds could be very intriguing - I think that could even allow for different physics or physical terrain to give a new experience. Maybe something like terrain with geysers that push up beans, or a volcano that will explode if fed enough beans, or just something like the moon with lower gravity!

In any case, good food for thought. Thank you for sharing!