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Size Me Up

A game where you compare your weiner to fictional girls · By Kleinvoimond

Will Modding ever be added to this

A topic by FoxHardtKoshin created Sep 07, 2022 Views: 2,360 Replies: 10
Viewing posts 1 to 5

just as the title implies will there be any way to mod this game?


I want to say yes, and I promise I will look into how I can implement it, but no other promises can be made.

(1 edit)

I am very interested in this so I decide to implement it. I now have PoC done for adding in new IP customers. Problem left: save does not work when you’ve been to work.

it would be cool to add makeup for the characters as a customization option, could that be something anyone wants to mod in?

Ok!!! I make it work,


Holy shit, this is pretty cool! 

The current version is stupid, I am loading in all mods at python init. I figured out why it didn’t work earlier and so 0.2.0 is goes back to loading once we actually need a girl. I’m also trying to figure out how to get a file-open-dialog but ren’pys python isn’t the full python library so it is proving just a bit problematic.


Thats ok! It just looks like magic to me given I'm a total nonce when it comes to writing code. If you have any questions or anything about how I spaghettified my game, I'll be happy to let you know (what I know)

Haha. I’m trying to not deal with it. And luckily all of the code for IP girls can pretty much just exist in samus.rpy.

Also version 1.3.1/0.2.0 is up.

I hadn’t actually really gone through much of the code - I didn’t need to, I quickly found what I needed to work on for a PoC…

But I’ve been going through just a small part of it and… well, thank you for the laughs.

“I’m a total nonce when it comes to writing code”. … I…. I’m not trying to be mean, but, yes, yes you are.

default heretowork = ""


                $ heretowork = "Yes"
                $ heretowork = "No"

        if heretowork == "Yes":
            si"Ok great, thats. . .uhm, great I guess."
        if heretowork == "No":
            si"Uh. . ."

There is no need for heretowork:

                si"Ok great, thats. . .uhm, great I guess."
                si"Uh. . ."

Also, getting the intro, and then being told “Silphy isn’t here.”… is weird.

Also also, while not a big deal. You can skip checking if sexworkintro == 0 twice, by doing:

if sexworkintro == 0:
  if silphsex == 0:
        si"Uhnm. . .hi. . .are. . .you here to work?"
        si"O-oh hey [povname], here to do some work?"

Also also also, when I think about it, you’re using 0 and 1, instead of False and True… Which, I guess it works.