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pretty fun little game, here are a few things I found:

  1. Tutorial would be nice to include a few more things like zooming with scroll wheel as well, found that out kinda late.
  2. Scrolling through the buying menu is kinda weird, I think it only works if you are not hovering over one of the build options, but scrolling while your cursor is on those should still be possible in my opinion.

Other than that, definitely a very enjoyable little game :3

Thank you for the feedback!

1. Fair point! There is a check in place for new save files, which could be a good opportunity to introduce new players to other mechanics (you can actually also use Q and E to rotate the cameras, whoops)

2. It's been placed on our update list! We also noticed it, and yeah, it'll be a great quality-of-life feature.

Glad you enjoyed it!

Also, welcome to itch! I'm honoured that your first post is dedicated to one of my games, haha