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what I say no that means I not alone idoit 

"idoit" it wasnt only then bruh, you are literally known for being an annoying prick spamming gifs and now you're getting angry because the mods muted you for something reasonable? seems like salty salterson is typing

wtf Blue mute me idoit

yeah because you were spamming gifs after several warnings and now you're getting mad that muted you for smth reasonable? yeah ok you sure are mature

What stupid I send this not to u to other guy idoit

???? speak coherent sentences cause i really am having a stroke tryna understand you

ye u have it u are stupid 

bro what????? you're calling me and idiot and you cant type a coherent sentence once? talk about hypocrisy

oh my bad, i meant "idoit"

k and?

someone clearly ran out of responses. to be fair your "comebacks" are: "ok and" "i am ur mother" "haha so angry cry kid" "cry". actual fucking clown lmao