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Day 3

Today was a little slower progress wise. I got randomized upgrades working. When a player levels up, all possible upgrades will be listed and shuffled, and 3 will be shown to the player as options. If a weapon is not equipped, upgrades for that weapon will not be considered, but it may be offered to be equipped.

Tomorrow, I want to finish the core game mechanics. I think the most important thing to getting this game in a working state is improving the enemies. In the original hackathon version of this game, we just had 4 spawners off screen that moved back and forth, so that it appears enemies are coming from all directions. I think something similar to that would work pretty well here, too. I also want to change the enemies so that they have variations. Some simple variations I am thinking of are:

  • Enemies that are larger (more damage, but slower)
  • Enemies that are smaller (less damage, but faster)
  • Regular enemies scale in health, damage, and exp drops as player levels up

The variation enemies should also drop more experience than normal. I also want enemies to have a random chance to drop the pickups (instead of experience?) on death. I also will try to make at least one or two of the passive weapons, too. If all that goes well, then this will be a (mostly) finished game! On the last day, I want to do a lot of polishing. I want to put some sprites in instead of the colored shapes I've been using. I also want to fix up the UI (display the weapon stats in a much smaller way, turn the health and experience levels into bars that fill up).