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(2 edits)

Quackers !

Currently working on the next beta update v0.3.0 . A lot of changes occurred since the last version so I'll try to highlight the main changes.


  •  add ability to switch control schemes between player:

I was told it was tedious that to switch two players keysets you had to remap each key individually (which is still totally possible) so I added buttons on which you can just click to exchange two players control schemes.

  • add ability for buttons to start a countdown before being triggered

The game used to start right away when pressing the space key which doesn't give  the players the time to get ready. The newly added three seconds countdown is supposed to fix that issue. The player still has the ability to disable that option in the settings

added content:

  • add POOP model

Poop is is spawned behind the player when he ingests the SNACK item. Stepping on it causes the player to lose the game

  • add SNACK item
  • add visual cue to indicate that something is deadly (see little smoke particles emitted by the poop model)

  • add POND map (needed an excuse to use the duck I added in the last update)
  • add COUNTDOWN player setting
  • add THEME player setting


  • update WOODS map to diversify scenery:

The WOODS map had always been a cause for concern. It didn't feel distinct enough nor did it feature any flowers, twigs or pine trees. As well as adding some of those I updated its layout to offer the player more freedom of movement.

  • change default color scheme

  • minor performance boost

python is notorious for it's slowness which I should've taken into account sooner in the developing process. It doesn't help that I chose an Object Oriented approach but it's the most intuitive one at least to me. In this update I tried limiting the amount of draw calls by detecting whether an object moved before trying to update it's location. As a result (In theory) the performance should increase when sliding the "wind strength" setting all the way down since grass, trees and flag will now stop swaying back and forth.

  •  add ability to add/remove bots directly from the main menu

that's part of a concerted effort to improve player onboarding. By allowing the players to add bots to the game directly from the main menu they won't have to first go to the multiplayer menu, select a player profile, add it to the game (which depending on the settings might temper with the field of view) and set it as a bot.

  •  extend valuable/value properties to all shapes
  • assign the duck an arbitrary value and make it breakable
  •  tooltips for game settings
  • embolden player's score and username
  • color whole buttons instead of just their content when they represent the players

  • add visual cue for input fields
  • thicken add/remove/delete icons for homogeneity purposes


  • multiple death icons appearing on the replay timeline for the same player when replaying a same game multiple times
  • speeding up replay too much creates crashes
  •  edition controls shouldn't alter the default controls
  • crash "Fail to allocate bitmap" fixed or less likely to happen at least
  •  item number option button missing tooltip
  •  redraw buttons when they've been deleted by bypassing the clean() method
  • replaying a game shouldn't impact the leaderboard
  • item number option button shouldn't be clickable
  • tooltips not showing up anymore after creating a new user profile
  • duck body parts not registering when a shape steps onto them