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It reminded mit of if you know that. Very well made.
For me on Firefox everything worked fine and the XP was there too.
In the beginning the mob incresed in size so fast that I was only running away I almost couldn't get to the xp-pickups and then in the end I just mowed them down so a little scaling of how many spawn might be nice... and the Boss was very well done he was just a bit too fast I think cause I had already 3 speed pickups I think and still could not avoid many of his bigger attacks - if I had less he might have bee too strong.
And I love the message of this game -in reality its not that simple, sadly but its a good start to seek help!

Thanks, yeah I think I might know what you mean! 

Glad to hear everything worked and you liked it :)

Yeah that is a good point and true, it was very hard to balance it so that it wouldn't be too easy or too challening. Also wanted the feeling that in the end you are kind of mowing them down since you survived the worst.

Hahah, yeah that's actually on purpose (obviously needs a bit fine tuning), but the boss is different on every playthrough depening on your powerUp choices, so if you hadn't chosen speed pickups, then then boss would be balanced with that as well, but have something else you picked up as powerUps! ;)

Completely agree that it's not that easy sadly, but it is a good first step to the right direction! :)