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Hey thank you for your feedback! I'm glad you liked the majority of the game :)

Up until yesterday, I honestly didn't realize that coyote time was a thing. Now I'm probably no longer allowed to make changes to my jam entry but I implemented the feature in my Godot project and jumping around feels so much more responsive now, so thanks for the cool advice! I don't intend to add variable jump height though because the idea was that some platforms would be unreachable for the player while they can clearly see a crate that the drone could go get for them.

The drone does have only one HP, it is supposed to die as soon as it touches an enemy in case it didn't start an attack prior. But I have to admit that something about the attack responsiveness feels off.

I definitely prefer controllers and literally the only games I feel comfortable playing with a keyboard are the "Commander Keen" ones lol. I'll see what I can change about the controls :)