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Error pops up when I run the executable file

Thanks for letting me know! have put up a new build, tested it and works fine for me

(1 edit)

Also works fine for me now

Cool game! It's fun and interesting. 

The second level(room) was a bit challenging for me since I didn't know where to look. I think it was because I didn't really get the purpose of the drone at that time. So I kinda had that "Aha!" moment when I found the vent and got to the other side of the room with the drone. That's when I got the idea behind it. I love it! 

I love the switching between the drone and the player. But it's a bit tricky when the drone is in front of the player since it keeps on moving away from the player. So you have to like kinda keep on following it and corner it against a wall or something. 

I enjoyed playing the game :)


Glad to hear it worked now! 

Ah yes, I wanted to add something more to show why the drone was there and how you can use it, but ran out of time.

Might be that I changed the floor and forgot to bake the navmesh again, because it worked fine with the other floor I had. Will have to try that and see if that fixes it. 

Glad you liked it, and thank you for playing! :)