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There, three Cycles. That's about all I'm even going to attempt... by the end of the 3rd Cycle, stuff just got way too tanky.

...nevermind, still going, this game is way too addicting. Incidentally, for the fifth cycle... I managed to beat the final boss and all of his minions with just two attacks. Psiblade Pugilist Psychonaut wearing a Robe of Dreams is... absurd. Not even just absurdly powerful, though it is, it's... I attack one enemy, and then I am teleport spamming all over the map, throwing around Psychic/Astral beams all over the place until whatever I hit is dead. Seriously, try it if you can, it's hilarious. King of Many Colors is impressive for needing to be hit a second time before dying, though even that is just because the many Demons he started the "battle" with redirected a bunch of attacks away from him on the first hit.