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Great visuals and an interesting start to what seems like a good story (played twice and on my first attempt i couldn't do anything after arriving to the house with the light). I would suggest not giving away the random aspect of the game, even if my choices don't matter it's better to keep the illusion and let the player think it does

Thank you! It might be noted that your choices DO matter, it's just that often you don't have a choice (it will be locked behind a specific mood). Ultimately though I didn't have time to fully implement that entire system, so there's just some hints of it here.
Re: getting stuck, usually when you can't pass a challenge with an item and it's too late to try to do it the long way, you will need to leave and go back to base camp to sleep, which will reset the time (and spawn some new random items you can try to bring with you) :) But of course it's possible there are places where the game just stops too...