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screw you!!! *rides on the hood of a red car like a boss*

ok but in all seriousness i really liked this game, although the movement felt a bit clunky at times and... sticky almost??

the concept is creative and i'd love to see it expanded into a fully polished game someday :D

also idk if this is a skill issue on my end or what but on the start of the 4th stage the double jump activated like when i really just did NOT need it to and it'd make me have to backtrack to the beginning and re-grab the double jump power up :p

i feel like maybe a dedicated key to activate your power up would've worked better, like binding it to the e key or somethin'

7/10 soggy cats! frogger but AWESOME


🤣 oh the joys of game jams! Of course! Thanks for your in depth review! 😄

yeah, there is a slight moment after landing from a fall or jump where you don’t move, kinda imitating real life where you are kinda “stunned” when landing on both 2 feet. Due to rush of the deadline, I couldn’t get jumping working properly off of moving platforms so that’s maybe why it caused you to double jump off them. The player hit box is 40px by 40px than 85px in depth. If you’re 20 pixels away from the edge of a platform, you’ll begin a fall and can trigger your abilities like that by accident.

I do plan on making this concept into a full fledged game :D but I will rewrite everything because this game jam submission was just my first try at using 3D in GDevelop and it’s got flaws! I could benefit greatly in rewriting stuff 🙂